It is raining, have fun!

Which of you have never played like this with a closed umbrella when child? 
Dragging the umbrella on the ground because it was too long for you, or you were tired because of the weight of it. Waiting for a bus on a rainy day using the tip of the umbrella as a pen to draw on the sidewalk.
Here below two projects for umbrellas result of creativity and observation, very cool!

Wheel Umbrella
While walking you rely the umbrella on the wheels in order not to feel the weight and dragging through rain puddles, like magic,
funny smiles appearing.
Designers: Lin Cheng-Han, Chung Yu-Hsun, Cheng Yu-Ting & Chen Shaw-Chen.


Rain Brush Umbrella
A silicon tip like a paint-brush dip into the rain puddles of the sidewalk let you draw water graffiti.

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